Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's A Girl!

We had an ultrasound on July 3rd and found out that we are having a girl. She looks great and is healthy as far as they can see! :)

Profile and belly
It's a girl!
Awwww...tired baby!
She is beautiful!

Fun in Washington with the cousins!

Steve's sister, Renee, and her two girls, Rachel and Palen, came to Grandma and Papa's house one night for dinner. We celebrated Palen's 10th birthday.

Emilia having breakfast that morning. Her favorite too...powdered donuts and strawberries!
Tristan enjoying his breakfast.
Aunt Renee painting Emilia's fingernails...
...she thought it was great!
She showed them off to everyone...
...even her brother...
...who was not so impressed!
Rachel and Tristan
Palen on her scooter.
Gorgeous Rachel!
Beautiful Palen!
Palen, Emilia, Tristan, and Rachel on the trailer.
Good sports to pose for me!
Palen's birthday cake
HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY!!! Now make a wish!
Tristan LOVED the cake...
...so did Emilia!
Emilia tried to keep Papa awake.
Then decided to wrestle with Tristan.

What fun we had at Grandma and Papa's house!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Portland Children's Museum

While we were in Winlock, we drove down to Portland to go to the Children's Museum. It was so much fun! We will definatly go again next time. There was so much for Emilia to do but Tristan was still a little small to do much. I know next time he will have a blast like Emilia did this time!

Tristan and his buddy "Fred" before we left for the museum.
Steve, Emilia, and Tristan in front of the museum. The cow sculpture was cool!
Emilia in the water area. She loved making the boats and ducks go down the waterfall.
Tristan says "Let me at the water! I can get soaked!!!"
Steve showing Emilia how to block the water flow and make the boats go where you want them to.
Emilia LOVES music! She had fun singing and hitting the drum.
"Let's go shopping!"
Self check out :)
The infant/toddler area had some things Tristan could play with.
He had fun discovering the different sounds the tubes made.
Emilia....the ambulance driver.
She did not like the horse!
She wanted to have a picnic instead.
Making lunch.
Tristan was even helping.