Wednesday, October 28, 2009

YAY for snow!

We got our first snow for the year in Helena last night! It was not a lot but enough that the kids could go out and play in it for a bit. Emilia loved it. Tristan was not so was his first time out in the snow.

For some reason, Tristan kept taking his boot off and then tried to get his sock off too.

Photo shoot with the kids and belly shots

I got the camera out and shot some pictures of the kids before the new baby comes. Emilia has not been cooperative in the past so I just now got pictures of her holding the letters to spell out T-W-O.

I was also lucky enough to get some Halloween pictures of the kids. Emilia loves pumpkins!

And we wanted some pictures of my baby belly before she comes. Emilia likes to give her kisses already and Tristan likes to pat my belly.