Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our giggly girl

Emilia thought it was funny to say "hola!" She said it over and over laughing every time. What a silly girl!

A fire in the night sky

There is a fire near Holter Lake which is North of us. As of last night, it has burned 2400 acres and was started by an RV that caught fire. We were watching the 2 planes and 4 helicopters fly over the house towards the fire to put it out.
Looking North from our yard.
Quite a bit of smoke
The sky looked amazing! This was looking to the West at sunset.
Looking West at the sunset.
Tristan playing outside
Emilia playing outside

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Camping Day 3

We headed home after 3 days and 2 nights in Glacier National Park. We stopped at a truck stop to fill up and have a little lunch in the trailer. We were exhausted and hungry by the time we stopped but got recharged and finished the drive home.
Tristan eating his pb&j, chips, and fruit snacks.
Emilia enjoying her lunch.

Camping Day 2

(Could also be called "The longer hike than we anticipated" but that is to come later.) We had a nice relaxing morning. We woke up around 7 and had a wonderful breakfast of cereal for the kids and breakfast burritos for us. We got ready to go and spent the morning in the park. We went on a hike and drove around a little too. What great family time!

Steve, Tristan, and Dexter relaxing after breakfast while I cleaned up.

Joker was having fun too.
What a great smile he has!
Our "little hike" was supposed to be about half a mile but turned into a 2 mile hike. We started at the beginning of the nature trail and saw a sign that said there was a waterfall 0.7 miles away. We kept walking thinking that we would hit the waterfall soon. Emilia just kept saying "Mine waterfall go?" so we felt that we needed to keep walking for her. After almost 2 miles, we found the waterfall. Then we walked up to the road and caught the shuttle back to the truck. It had started raining so we really did not want to hike back 2 miles to the truck.
Tristan all snuggled in the backpack that Steve carried.
My little hikers.
Emilia kept standing on rocks saying "My picture now mama!" She actually wanted her picture taken!
We hiked up a hill to see this amazing view.
It was really windy up there!
Tristan was "proding" Steve to go faster. He kept patting his back and kicking his legs.
Emilia wanted to carry lamby like daddy was carrying Tristan.
More amazing views along the way.
Emilia kept sitting lamby on the rocks telling it to "Sit on rock lamby!"
Emilia found a tall piece of grass and was singing Twinkle Twinkle into it like it was a microphone.
Steve carried both kids up a slight incline when it started to rain.
The end of the hike waterfall...SO worth it!
We had an after hike snack back at the trailer. Emilia was a MESS! (But it tasted so good!)
Tristan after his snack. Not as messy as his sister.
As if the hike was not enough, we went for a walk around the campground down to the lake. This is a pretty flower we saw along the way.
Tristan thought it was funny that daddy threw rocks into the lake, making a big splash.
Emilia liked watching the splashing too.
Bath time in the trailer.
They were dirty from the long, fun day.

Camping Day 1

We went up to Glacier National Park for 2 nights. It was so much fun! We went into the park the first day and drove around a little. We also went to the Logan's Pass Visitor Center to get out and stretch a bit. It is SO very pretty up there, we can't wait to go next year!
St. Mary's Lake
Some of the beautiful scenery
Emilia kept saying that all the waterfalls were hers.
She even posed for me on the rock!
Tristan was not as thrilled to take a picture.
So serious!
Emilia enjoyed taking a nature walk with gigi.
Steve and Emilia walking down the path.
Tristan got to ride in the stroller and was more than happy there!
Steve, Tristan, and Emilia by the Continental Divide sign.
Such a happy boy!
A very happy girl!
Mommy (at 30 weeks) and Emilia by the sign.
I could not get over how pretty it was there!
One of the glaciers you can see from the road.