Thursday, January 28, 2010

Christmas Day...

Christmas morning. What a great relaxing morning! The kids were spoiled rotten! LOL!

The tree and gifts.

A close-up of the stockings.

Tristan next to his fire rescue pedal car.

Tristan and Emilia ready to open presents.

Tristan opening his stocking.

Emilia opening her stocking.

Elizabeth and her stocking. (It is as big as her!)

Emilia with her presents.

Elizabeth and her presents.

Tristan and his presents.

Elizabeth and her new roll-a-rounds.

Tristan and his puppy. He LOVES this toy!

Elizabeth and her bitty baby.

Tristan got fireman dress up clothes.

Emilia and her new laptop computer.

Elizabeth cuddling with her bity baby.

Elizabeth's first Christmas outfit.

Our little stocking stuffer.

Tristan in his new pedal car.

1 comment:

  1. Colin got that same dog as a gift and giggles when it says his name
