Monday, January 10, 2011

Picture a Day...January 10, 2011

Day Ten...ALSO Ten on Ten!
 Yummy! Donuts for breakfast!
 Emilia got a princess hair and makeup set for her birthday yesterday.
 Tristan practicing his letters.
 Elizabeth "walking" with her shopping cart.
 Mmmmmm....making cupcakes for Emilia to take to school tomorrow.
 Emilia was sick yesterday and now its Tristan's turn. :-(
 Happy girl ready to eat lunch.
 Emilia was SO excited to get a card in the mail from her friend Hailey.
 Cupcakes are done!
They LOVE this little desk!


  1. LOVE it!!!!! I also love seeing emilia with her card :)

  2. Too Cute! Seriously you are a rock star! I think I'm hanging around preschool and snagging one of those cupcakes! I love the blog! I'll have to add it to my list. Hope your babies are feeling well! If you don't see us there it might that Abby is still not well. We'll see how tonight goes!

  3. Love the blog and cute cute cute pictures.
